Wednesday 14 August 2013

News roundup: More Sengoku Basara content at Kyomaf and a site calendar

It's the Obon period at the moment, which means no new magazines or major news stories from Japan. I took the opportunity to add a calendar to the tabs at the top of this site to monitor upcoming Sengoku Basara releases and news. It's likely that it will fall into disrepair at some stage, but I hope that having a calendar helps keep track of what's going on.

Capcom announces another stage presentation for upcoming Kyomaf event

Kyomaf is quickly approaching, and it seems that Capcom will be treating fans in Japan to a second stage presentation. I previously reported that there would be a presentation on 7th September 2013 for attendees who were lucky enough to win tickets in a lottery draw; well, Capcom has decided to hold another at 13:30 the following day for anyone at the event to attend. The second event will only involve producer KobaP and director YamamotoD; Morikawa Toshiyuki's appearance is exclusive to the Saturday stage show. It sounds as though the staff have a lot to talk about...

Gyoubu to return in Sengoku Basara 4?

According to HokutoNoBen who managed to attend an Otakon Q&A panel with seiyuu Seki Tomokazu (Ishida Mitsunari) at the weekend, we should be seeing Yoshitsugu back in Sengoku Basara 4. This hasn't been confirmed by Capcom and there's no indication of whether he'll be playable or not; still, it's promising news!

Capcom gets involved with this year's Masamune-kou Matsuri (again)

Promotion has begun for the 50th local Masamune-kou Matsuri held on 7th-8th September 2013 in Iwadeyama-machi (Oosaki). This year, one of the posters used to promote the festival will use a special Sengoku Basara 4 design instead of the normal anime drawings.

Here are the posters used for the last three years for comparison, starting with the 47th festival back in 2010:

The 48th festival in 2011 had a wider gap between the more traditional design and the Sengoku Basara one:

While the 49th annual event in 2012 used similar imagery:

I love seeing the festival posters on display! The Oni Kojuurou Matsuri in nearby Shiroishi sometimes runs matching posters with Kojuurou drawn on them. I guess it can't use a Sengoku Basara 4 poster unless Kojuurou is confirmed for the game...


  1. I'd love to go to one of the festivals, they look so awesome :D I'm going to Japan next year, so here's hoping I get a chance to go see some great Sengoku related stuff.

    btw, I was just browsing AmiAmi and I noticed they had added a SB4 calendar due for release in October.

    1. I hope you have a great trip. Take lots of pictures! :)

      The calendar is interesting because when it was announced they said there'd be thirteen pages (presumably each featuring one character). Except only eight characters have been announced for Sengoku Basara 4 right now, so I hope we get to see the next five soon. I suppose it will be in this month's magazine at the latest!


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