Saturday 16 March 2013

Blog status report

The Sengoku Basara exhibition at the Tsuchiura City Museum opened today, and already it looks as though it's a big success. The Tsuchiura City tourism account on Twitter is sharing pictures of the visitors and tips about the event. I wonder how much of the crowd is due to the Sengoku Basara effect and how much is simply the local history buffs excited to see the armour on display?

I'm probably going to be posting fewer blog updates for a couple of weeks as I'm not going to have access to my computer. Fingers crossed that there are lots of big announcements to post about by the time I get back!

1 comment:

I'm really sorry that I had to switch on authentication for comments. The blog had started to receive dozens of spam comments each week. I hope that this new setting will help!

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.