Wednesday 4 February 2015

News roundup: Capcom is currently running a Sengoku Basara sale on PSN

There's nothing new at all in the latest Weekly Famitsu, possibly due to its extensive coverage of Sengoku Musou 4-II as release day approaches. I wonder whether the official Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi website will update again this week?

The Sengoku Basara games are currently heavily discounted on PSN

Between now and 11th February 2015, several Capcom games are receiving big discounts on the PlayStation Store.

Sengoku Basara
Sale price: ¥412 (50% off)

Sengoku Basara 2
Sale price: ¥412 (50% off)

Sengoku Basara Eiyuu Gaiden (HEROES)
Sale price: ¥412 (50% off)

Sengoku Basara Chronicle Heroes
Sale price: ¥1,000 (50% off)

In addition, Sengoku Basara 4 is receiving a permanent price reduction to ¥3,990 to help gamers catch up ready for the release of Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi, and all of the game's DLC is 50% off for the duration of the sale as follows.

NameDescriptionTypeCost (JP ¥)
武将アバターパック(32武将セット)PSN avatars for all 32 playable characters (complete set)PSN avatar412
戦国BASARA4 カスタムテーマパック(32武将セット)Sengoku Basara 4 custom themes for all 32 playable characters (complete set)PS3 theme412
プレイヤー武将全解放Unlock all playable charactersBoost103
戦国スターターパックSengoku Starter Pack (100 pieces of tamahagane steel, 10,000 whetstones, 750,000 ryou in cash and 450,000 xp for your Inrou box)Boost155
創世スターターパックCreation Starter Pack (30 pieces of tamahagane steel, 3,000 whetstones, 250,000 ryou in cash and 150,000 xp for your Inrou box)Boost52
小判(甲)パック・1Money Pack (A) 1-6 (each contains 500,000 ryou in cash)Boost155
強化印籠(甲)パック・1Inrou of Enhancement Pack (A) 1-6 (each contains 300,000 xp for your Inrou box)Boost155
強化印籠(乙)パック・1Inrou of Enhancement Pack (B) 1-6 (each contains 60,000 xp for your Inrou box)Boost52
「極」銘付き&高レアリティ武器パック(32武将セット)Weapons with high Rarity and Extreme Inscriptions for all 32 playable characters (complete set)Boost823
戦国BASARAシリーズ名曲集【 全70曲セット 】コンプリートパックClassic Sengoku Basara series music collection complete set (70 tracks)Music pack772
戦国BASARA -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】Classic Sengoku Basara music collection (10 tracks)Music pack206
戦国BASARA2 -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】Classic Sengoku Basara 2 music collection (10 tracks)Music pack206
戦国BASARA2 英雄外伝 -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】Classic Sengoku Basara 2 Eiyuu Gaiden (Heroes) music collection (10 tracks)Music pack206
戦国BASARA X -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】Classic Sengoku Basara X music collection (10 tracks)Music pack206
戦国BASARA BH&CH -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】Classic Sengoku Basara Battle Heroes/Chronicle Heroes music collection (10 tracks)Music pack206
戦国BASARA3 -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】Classic Sengoku Basara 3 music collection (10 tracks)Music pack206
戦国BASARA3 宴 -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】Classic Sengoku Basara 3 Utage music collection (10 tracks)Music pack206
伊達政宗 特別衣装 DMCダンテ Ver.Date Masamune (DMC Dante version)Costume155
伊達政宗 特別衣装 袴&木刀Ver.Date Masamune (hakama/wooden sword version)Costume155
徳川家康 特別衣装 学園バサラ Ver.Tokugawa Ieyasu (Gakuen Basara version)Costume155
井伊直虎 特別衣装 ウエディングVer.Ii Naotora (wedding version)Costume155
島左近 特別衣装 双刀功夫Ver.Shima Sakon (twin sword kung fu version)Costume155
真田幸村 特別衣装 蒼竜Ver.Sanada Yukimura (azure dragon version)Costume155
柴田勝家 特別衣装 絶対正義Ver.Shibata Katsuie (absolute justice version)Costume155
石田三成 特別衣装 DMCバージルVer.Ishida Mitsunari (DMC Vergil version)Costume155
武将追加衣装 7武将セットSet of 7 'former preorder DLC' costumesCostume772

Preorder listings begin to appear for the Basara Matsuri 2015 ~Fuyu No Jin~ DVD

Those who didn't attend last weekend's Basara Matsuri can now place their orders for the recording online at Amazon Japan, Animate and Yesasia, with more stores certain to add preorder listings very soon. The DVD version will be spread across two discs when it's released on 3rd June 2015 priced at ¥6,800 before tax. The content will include footage from both the evening and afternoon performances, with the latter edited into a clip show to reduce repetition. As usual, the T.M.Revolution mini-concert will not be included on the DVD version. The first press bonus is a booklet.

Famitsu has also posted its full report from the event with a bunch of new pictures.

Since this DVD set has been solicited for preorder so quickly, it makes the lack of any listing for a DVD of last year's Butai Sengoku Basara 4 stage play even stranger. I wonder when we'll be able to buy it...

Sengoku Basara Art Works will now be released in April, not February

I mentioned the upcoming book Sengoku Basara Art Works a little while ago and according to my latest order update it seems to have been pushed back from 25th February to 18th April 2015. Both Amazon and CD Japan have closed their listings, while AmiAmi is still accepting orders with a revised delivery date. Perhaps we'll hear more about the mystery book in the next volume of Sengoku Basara Magazine a few weeks from now?

Even more new Gakuen Basara merchandise is on the way

A CafeReo listing has appeared with a set of listings for new Animate-exclusive Gakuen Basara goods due in late March 2015.

Twelve different decorative card sheets priced at ¥450 each (or ¥5,400 for a box):

Ten different Gakuen Basara tin straps priced at ¥400 each (or ¥4,000 for a box):

Thank you to Tatzel for spotting the new items (and creating a parody). It looks as though Otaku Republic will be making both sets available for people who can't order from Animate.

The Union Creative blog posts a preview of the upcoming Ieyasu figure

It won't be long now until Empty's Tokugawa Ieyasu Chara-Forme figure will be available, according to a recent blog post which also showed the first glimpse of the painted figure. Preorders are set to open on 17th February 2015.

Thank you to thebasariankaoru for being the first to mention this news!


  1. I'm tempted to get the DLC costume pack. Do you know if DMC Dante is part of that or is it separate? 'Cause it's really that one I wanted the most (DMC4 Nero-Yukimura was never realized, orz...)

    Oh, also! Should I assume the DLC is only for SB4 and won't work with Sumeragi? 'Cause that actually is a bigger issue then xD

    off-topic, I saw this listing on ami-ami for a artbook, but I'm not sure what kind of artwork it'll feature; anime, manga, game CGs, or Tsuchibayashi's stuff? Or all of that? :O

    The price looks good, so I wanna get it, but there's no information >.>

    1. There's no information in the first place, and I didn't even leave a link >.>

    2. Sorry for the slow response, I've been ridiculously busy with work lately!

      It's too late now but I can confirm that DMC Dante is not part of the costume pack (he is only available separately, and Muneshige's Jumbo Xavi-kun suit is free if you've bought all the costumes in the costume pack but not available otherwise). I'm wondering the same thing about Sumeragi myself; if the numbering for Masamune's costumes in the video is correct he should still have his hakama and Dante outfits, but whether they come with Sumeragi for free or you can use the Sengoku Basara 4 DLC in Sumeragi too is a mystery.

      As for the art book, it was originally listed for February then all the major online bookstores (except AmiAmi, I guess!) removed their listings and put the date back to April, so it's another mystery! All I know is they plan to include all of the characters shown in the series so far, so it might include the old design artwork...

      I hope they release more information about it soon since I want to reorder it and find out ^^;

    3. No worries. I've been pretty busy myself, lol.

      I decided to skip the DLC costumes. I'm pretty happy with the in-game ones, so meh *shrugs*

      As for the artbook, you've made me more curious, haha. I just hope the final listing price doesn't shoot up super high. Hoping to only spend around 50 dollars including shipping if possible >.>

      Although maybe I'll wait 'til March, hrmm...


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